


發(fā)布人:http://www.hkcts.com.cn   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-08-27 17:56:02


The role of fire dampers is becoming more and more important. Most of them need to rely on manual detection. Manually opening the smoke damper is usually normally closed, and the flexibility is not high. If it is not found in time, it is easy to cause irreparable losses. The design of automatic smoke damper is based on the above rigid smoke damper. So, what is an automatic smoke exhaust valve?


The operation of automatic smoke exhaust fire damper does not require manual intervention and is not opened at ordinary times. However, when a fire is found, the smoke exhaust system will be automatically opened for smoke exhaust and fire prevention. Compared with ordinary fire damper, it can detect and control fire faster. Secondly, it is also important that the automatic smoke exhaust fire damper works with the smoke detector and automatic alarm system, which is more suitable for mechanical smoke exhaust places.



The automatic smoke exhaust fire damper is installed on the smoke exhaust pipe, which can both smoke exhaust and fire prevention.


During installation, in order to make it work better, it will be installed on the smoke exhaust pipe, so that the smoke exhaust fire damper can not only have the function of smoke exhaust valve, but also have the function of fire damper. The smoke exhaust valve can quickly discharge the indoor smoke at the beginning, providing a good escape environment for indoor personnel. Once the temperature in the pipeline is higher than 280 ℃, the fire damper will start to work and automatically close the valve to avoid the spread of fire.


With the gradual improvement of people's safety awareness, the requirements for smoke exhaust and fire damper are becoming higher and higher. Large office buildings, shopping malls and some subway buildings are equipped with smoke detectors and automatic alarm systems, which provides favorable conditions for the wide application of automatic smoke exhaust and fire dampers.

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