


發(fā)布人:http://www.hkcts.com.cn   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-18 17:24:16

通風(fēng)管道安裝為了減少投資,節(jié)省空間,降低層高,有些敷設(shè)無坡度要求的管道,可以穿梁敷設(shè)(如自來水管道,消防噴 灑干管等,對(duì)于比較復(fù)雜的民用建筑,在設(shè)計(jì)階段,各工種(暖通、給水排水,供電照明與建筑)應(yīng)協(xié)商好空 間分隔,定出每種管道的標(biāo)高范圍。一般情況下不得越出給自己規(guī)定的界限,遇有個(gè)別管段要越界時(shí)應(yīng)與其他工程協(xié)商。施工前應(yīng)設(shè)備總管的工程師,將各工種的管線,單線畫在一張平面圖上,每種管道用一種彩色筆。濟(jì)南通風(fēng)管道安裝人員提醒在各交點(diǎn)處綜合其標(biāo)高,看是否有矛盾之處,及時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)將問題解決在安裝之前。解決各種通風(fēng)管道相碰及協(xié)調(diào)的原則,一般為:“小管讓大管,有壓讓無壓”。例如,自來水管與風(fēng)管相 撞,則應(yīng)當(dāng)自來水管拐彎。冷、熱水管與下水管相碰,則應(yīng)改變冷、熱水管道。

In order to reduce investment, save space and reduce storey height, some pipes are laid without slope requirements. They can be laid by beams (such as water pipes, fire sprinkler pipes and so on. For more complex civil buildings, at the design stage, all types of work (HVAC, water supply and drainage, power supply lighting and Architecture) should be first required. Negotiate the space partition and determine the elevation range of each pipeline. The general case not set himself out of bounds, in a period of leave to cross should consult with other engineering. Before construction, the engineer of equipment and main pipe should be drawn on a floor plan for each type of pipeline and single line, and one color pen will be used for each pipeline. Ji'nan ventilation pipe installation personnel remind them to synthesize their elevation at each intersection point to see if there is any contradiction, and find out the problem before installation. To solve all kinds of ventilation pipe collide and coordination principle, generally: "let the pressure get tubular bassoon, no pressure". For example, if the water pipe collides with the air pipe, it should turn the water pipe. The cold and hot water pipes and water pipes together, should change the cold and hot water pipe.

通風(fēng)管道產(chǎn)品的特點(diǎn)設(shè)計(jì)靈活,通風(fēng)管道可根據(jù)預(yù)留洞的大小,隨時(shí)調(diào)整管道的規(guī)格尺寸,造價(jià)低使通風(fēng)管道與傳統(tǒng)磚砌通風(fēng)道比,能節(jié)約工程造價(jià)40%左右,防火性能好:當(dāng)前普遍存在的問題是成品通風(fēng)道燃燒性能和耐火極限未經(jīng)有關(guān)部門檢測(cè),且部分通風(fēng) 道材料的燃燒性能、管壁厚度不符合要求。輕質(zhì)高強(qiáng)與傳統(tǒng)磚砌通風(fēng)道比,菱鎂通風(fēng)道自重輕、強(qiáng)度高,能大幅度降低建筑物的承受荷載,設(shè)計(jì)獨(dú)特的通風(fēng)管道的開口上安裝了煙氣止回閥和防火隔離門,可以有效防止串味和串火,施工簡(jiǎn)單增加了室內(nèi)空間,密閉性好、不返煙、不返臭,能大幅度改善室內(nèi)環(huán)境。


The characteristic design of the ventilation pipe product is flexible. The ventilation pipe can adjust the size of the pipeline at any time according to the size of the reserved hole. The low cost makes the ventilation pipe and the traditional brick masonry air duct compare, which can save about 40% of the project cost and good fire resistance performance: the current common problem is the combustion performance and the fire resistance limit of the finished product ventilator. It has not been detected by the relevant departments of the state, and the combustion performance and the thickness of the pipe wall of some ventilation ducts do not meet the requirements. The light weight and high strength and the traditional brick masonry air duct, the magnesite ventilation Road with light weight and high strength, can greatly reduce the bearing load of the building. The smoke check valve and fire isolation gate are installed on the opening of the unique ventilation pipe, which can effectively prevent the series of smell and series of fire. No smoking or no smell can greatly improve indoor environment.


In addition, some aspects should be paid attention to when the ventilation equipment is started. Before starting, the fan inlet regulating valve should be strictly forbidden to shut down, prevent the operation error, start with the load, pay attention to the start time and the normal current, check whether the lubricating oil level of the bearing is normal, the water supply condition of the cooling water pipe, and the coupling is intact, The maintenance door is closed.



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