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Pipeline is everywhere in our daily life. It can be seen that it ensures the normal operation of the transportation capacity system software of the pipeline network in large cities. However, has anyone noticed that the drainage pipes of engineering buildings are all circular pipes, and the small series share the difference between circular air pipes and square square pipes.


The pressure resistance of circular pipeline is stronger than that of square pipeline

自來水管是圓的關(guān)鍵考慮到的是工作壓力,圓形管道耐壓工作能力是要好于矩形方管的,自來水管在應(yīng)用時,管中壓力非常大,制成環(huán)形的受力勻稱,所以能大限度的承受力。若制成正方形的,在斜角處更為欠缺,非常容易裂開。因此 自來水管、輸油管及壓縮空氣管道全是采用圓鋼管。而正方形管路因為耐壓比不上環(huán)形管,非常少被應(yīng)用在工作壓力很大的管道上。

The water pipe is the key to the circle. Considering the working pressure, the pressure resistance of the circular pipe is better than that of the rectangular square pipe. When the water pipe is applied, the pressure in the pipe is very large, and the annular force is symmetrical, so it can bear the force to a great extent. If it is made into a square, it is more deficient at the oblique angle and is very easy to crack. Therefore, water pipes, oil pipes and compressed air pipes are all round steel pipes. Because the pressure resistance of square pipeline is not as good as that of annular pipeline, it is rarely used in pipelines with high working pressure.


Square pipe occupies less height width ratio and indoor space

在同樣的截面下,矩形方管比環(huán)形管的高寬比要低,通風(fēng)風(fēng)管做為規(guī)格較大 的管道,布局在混凝土樓板內(nèi),必然要考慮到規(guī)模難題,通風(fēng)風(fēng)管越矮,占有樓高就越低,而且稱為休重少的正方形通風(fēng)風(fēng)管,大多數(shù)全是提升橫著總寬,降低高寬比來完成的,而環(huán)形通風(fēng)風(fēng)管一般出現(xiàn)在對容積規(guī)定沒那麼嚴苛的場地,例如加工廠工業(yè)廠房,或是一些通風(fēng)風(fēng)管耐壓很大的系統(tǒng)軟件,因此 矩形方管相對而言也就更節(jié)約總面積。

Under the same section, the height width ratio of rectangular square duct is lower than that of annular duct. As a duct with larger specifications, the ventilation duct, which is arranged in the concrete floor, must take into account the scale problem. The shorter the ventilation duct, the lower the height of the building. Moreover, it is called square ventilation duct with less rest weight. Most of them are completed by raising the overall width of the cross section and reducing the height width ratio, The annular ventilation duct generally appears in sites with less stringent volume regulations, such as processing plants, industrial plants, or some system software with high pressure resistance of ventilation duct. Therefore, the rectangular square duct saves the total area relatively.



Circular pipes are more airtight than square pipes


When transporting liquid, circular pipes have less and less blind areas than square pipes (according to the basic law of axial outward diffusion and inverse proportion of square meters, if calculated according to layer and flow, the water flow in the four corners of square pipes is very low), so circular pipes have less erosion, settlement and scale of fixed foundation caused by liquid retention.

而通風(fēng)管道,汽體水流量大,過風(fēng)橫斷面大,不易出現(xiàn)固態(tài)顆粒地基沉降,即便 出現(xiàn)盲區(qū)還可以被髙速汽體帶去,而且矩形方管的聯(lián)接密封性規(guī)定不高,因此 矩形方管可以用在汽體運輸上,而液體運輸會造成 拐彎處的部分摩擦阻力大,進而提升離心水泵的水泵揚程,導(dǎo)致資源消耗。

In the ventilation duct, the steam water flow is large and the cross section of the air is large, so it is not easy to have solid particle foundation settlement. Even if there is a blind area, it can be taken away by the high-speed steam, and the connection tightness of the rectangular square pipe is not high. Therefore, the rectangular square pipe can be used in the transportation of steam, while the transportation of liquid will cause large friction resistance at the corners, which will increase the pump head of the centrifugal pump and lead to resource consumption.


Square pipes cost less than circular pipes

正方形管路生產(chǎn)加工非常容易,價錢較低,便捷當場的生產(chǎn)加工和更新改造,而圓形管道需要加工廠預(yù)制構(gòu)件,價錢較高,這也通常造成 了通風(fēng)風(fēng)管應(yīng)用正方形管路。而在全部工程建筑成本預(yù)算中,絕大多數(shù)的狀況下都是會應(yīng)用矩形方管控制成本,這也是造成 通風(fēng)風(fēng)管應(yīng)用正方形材料的較大 緣故。

Square pipes are very easy to produce and process with low price, which is convenient for on-the-spot production, processing and renewal. Circular pipes need prefabricated components from the processing plant, and the price is high, which usually leads to the application of square pipes in ventilation ducts. In the construction cost budget of all projects, rectangular square pipes will be used to control the cost in most cases, which is also the reason why square materials are used in ventilation ducts.


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