


發(fā)布人:http://www.hkcts.com.cn   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-04-15 13:35:36


  People's life is getting better and better, and the demand for living environment and working environment is also getting higher and higher. The ventilation pipe will be installed inside the building, and attention shall be paid to the maintenance of the ventilation pipe. The ventilation pipe has always been very important to our life. The maintenance of the ventilation pipe can ensure the safe, complete and better operation.

  1. 嚴(yán)格按照操作規(guī)程操作,控制工藝指標(biāo),杜絕超溫、超壓操作;

  1. Operate in strict accordance with the operating procedures, control the process indicators, and prevent over temperature and over pressure operation;

  2. 修復(fù)或局部更換通風(fēng)管道時(shí),應(yīng)避免誤用或不合理的更換,以降低管道的ji極限應(yīng)力;

  2. When repairing or partially replacing the ventilation pipe, avoid misuse or unreasonable replacement, so as to reduce the Ji limit stress of the pipe;



  3. The ventilation pipe system shall be installed and installed as required.


  Ventilation pipe processing

  4. 通風(fēng)管道處理由有資質(zhì)的設(shè)計(jì)單位暫停,并符合設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)范的規(guī)定;

  4. The treatment of the ventilation pipe shall be suspended by the qualified design unit and meet the requirements of the design specifications;

  5. 采取有效措施防止空氣和介質(zhì)對(duì)通風(fēng)管道的腐蝕;

  5. Take effective measures to prevent the air and medium from corroding the ventilation pipe;

  6. 通風(fēng)管道安裝工程投入使用前的驗(yàn)收,管道結(jié)構(gòu)、材料、焊接、熱處理、試壓等關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)應(yīng)符合規(guī)范要求;

  6. The acceptance of the ventilation pipe installation works before putting into use, and the key links such as pipe structure, material, welding, heat treatment, pressure test, etc. shall meet the specification requirements;

  7. 對(duì)因大面積腐蝕、厚度變薄、強(qiáng)度減弱而長(zhǎng)期未使用或保養(yǎng)不良的通風(fēng)管道,在重新使用前應(yīng)按規(guī)定進(jìn)行的表面檢查。

  7. For the ventilation pipes that have not been used or poorly maintained for a long time due to large-scale corrosion, thickness thinning and strength weakening, comprehensive surface inspection shall be carried out according to the regulations before reuse.


  The above is a mutual introduction to the core of Jinan ventilation pipeline maintenance. For more information, please click http://www.hkcts.com.cn


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