


發(fā)布人:http://www.hkcts.com.cn   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-04-14 13:29:46


  In general, there are certain methods for the installation of ventilation pipes. If the pipes are not installed according to the standards, it will affect the normal use of the pipes in the later period. Next, we will briefly understand this aspect.

  1. 管道組裝:管道較短時(shí),可一次在地面組裝;管道較長時(shí),可根據(jù)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)安裝情況,在地面分段安裝。在安裝過程中,應(yīng)盡量調(diào)整管道的水平度,以避免管道變形或上下波動(dòng),從左向右擺動(dòng)。當(dāng)管道各部分不超過10m時(shí),墊片應(yīng)平整,法蘭螺栓應(yīng)均勻緊固,螺母蓋應(yīng)向同一方向。

  1. Pipeline assembly: when the pipeline is short, it can be assembled on the ground at one time; when the pipeline is long, it can be installed on the ground in sections according to the site installation situation. During the installation, the levelness of the pipeline shall be adjusted as much as possible to avoid the deformation or fluctuation of the pipeline, and the pipeline shall swing from left to right. When each part of the pipeline does not exceed 10m, the gasket shall be flat, the flange bolts shall be tightened evenly, and the nut cover shall be in the same direction.

  2. 管道就位前,應(yīng)檢查各支座的水平度和標(biāo)高,并檢查支座的牢固度。兩種方法,直接和吊索,可用于空氣管道的地方。風(fēng)管截面小,且位置低,可采用人工放置方法,只需設(shè)置簡單的腳手架即可。當(dāng)風(fēng)道斷面較大、管道斷面較長時(shí),可采用滑輪、倒鏈、大繩等吊裝方式。

  2. Before the pipeline is in place, the levelness and elevation of each support shall be checked, and the firmness of the support shall be checked. Two methods, direct and sling, can be used where air ducts are located. The section of the air duct is small and the position is low, so the manual placement method can be adopted, and only a simple scaffold can be set. When the cross-section of the air duct is large and the cross-section of the pipeline is long, pulley, chain block, rope and other hoisting methods can be used.


  In order to facilitate the location of the pipeline, the method of hanging the pipeline on the bracket and then hanging it on the bracket is generally adopted. The scaffold shall be provided with air duct along the length direction, and the height and position shall be suitable for construction operation. The lifting sequence shall be supported by the first drying pipe. The vertical pipe, lifting and lifting points shall be provided by the company, and the two lifting points shall have the same force. The vertical air duct can be installed with manual and rope support. Adjust air duct to ensure verticality.


  3. The position of the ventilation pipe on the support shall be adjusted to the correct position, and then fixed according to the requirements of the atlas.


  This is the basic process of ventilation pipe installation. In addition, pay attention to the following points during installation:

  1. 風(fēng)道與風(fēng)機(jī)連接時(shí),應(yīng)在空氣的進(jìn)出口處加軟接頭。軟接頭的截面尺寸應(yīng)與風(fēng)機(jī)進(jìn)出口截面尺寸一致。軟管接頭一般可采用帆布、人造革等材料,軟管長度不應(yīng)小于200,松緊度應(yīng)適當(dāng),柔性軟管可緩沖風(fēng)扇的振動(dòng)。

  2. 山東通風(fēng)管道

  1. When the air duct is connected with the fan, a soft joint shall be added at the air inlet and outlet. The section size of soft joint shall be consistent with that of fan inlet and outlet. Generally, the hose joint can be made of canvas, artificial leather and other materials. The hose length should not be less than 200. The tightness should be appropriate. The flexible hose can cushion the vibration of the fan.

  2. 通風(fēng)管道與除塵設(shè)備、加熱設(shè)備連接前,設(shè)備安裝完畢后,應(yīng)按實(shí)際測(cè)繪圖紙預(yù)制安裝。

  2. Before connecting the ventilation pipe with the dedusting equipment and heating equipment, and after the equipment is installed, it shall be prefabricated and installed according to the actual mapping drawings.


  3. During pipeline installation, the inlet and outlet shall be opened on the day of pipeline prefabrication. If the outlet on the pipe needs to be opened after installation, the connection shall be tight.

  4. 輸送凝結(jié)水或含濕量較大的氣體時(shí),水平管線應(yīng)設(shè)置坡度,排水管道應(yīng)在更低點(diǎn)連接。安裝時(shí)管道底部不應(yīng)出現(xiàn)縱向接縫,底部接縫應(yīng)密封。

  4. When transporting condensate or gas with large moisture content, the horizontal pipeline shall be provided with gradient, and the drainage pipeline shall be connected at the lowest point. During installation, there shall be no longitudinal joint at the bottom of the pipe, and the bottom joint shall be sealed.

  5. 輸送易燃易爆氣體的鋼管應(yīng)在連接法蘭處安裝跳線連接,并與靜電地網(wǎng)連接。

  5. The steel pipe conveying inflammable and explosive gas shall be connected with jumper wire at the connecting flange, and connected with electrostatic grounding grid.

  6. 雙吊桿支架就位后,橫臂應(yīng)伸直,吊桿不得更換,雙吊桿受力應(yīng)均勻。

  6. After the double suspender bracket is in place, the cross arm shall be extended straight, the suspender shall not be replaced, and the stress of the double suspender shall be even.

  7. 當(dāng)水平風(fēng)道高度大于2米時(shí),安裝人員應(yīng)、配合。腳手架或可移動(dòng)支架上的木板應(yīng)固定,木板的寬度應(yīng)符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn),腳手架上的安裝人員應(yīng)背著背包,避免東西或電鉆等掉落傷害。

  7. When the height of horizontal air duct is more than 2m, the installation personnel shall be safe and cooperative. The board on the scaffold or movable support shall be fixed, and the width of the Board shall meet the standard. The installation personnel on the scaffold shall carry a backpack to avoid falling things or electric drills.


  The above is a detailed introduction of the precautions for the process of ventilation duct installation in Shandong Province. For more information, please click http://www.hkcts.com.cn


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