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1、 通風和通風柜的概念:所謂通風,就是把室內(nèi)的污濁空氣直接或經(jīng)凈化后排室外把新鮮空氣補充進來,從而保持室內(nèi)的空氣條件,以保持衛(wèi)生標準和滿足生產(chǎn)工藝的要求,我們把前者稱為排風,后者稱為送風。而通風柜可以簡單理解成一個箱體和一個風機,產(chǎn)生于箱體中的氣體被風機排出并被的排放到大氣中。
1, ventilation and ventilation cabinet: the ventilation, the indoor air pollution directly or after purification to the outdoor fresh air to the rear added, so as to maintain the indoor air condition, in order to maintain hygienic standards and meet the requirements of the production process, the former is called exhaust, the latter is called air. The ventilation cabinet can be simply understood as a box and a fan, the gas generated in the box is discharged by the fan and safely discharged into the atmosphere.
2、 通風的分類:按照動力不同,通風系統(tǒng)可以分為自然通風和機械通風,機械通風又可以分為通風和局部通風,通風是指在房間內(nèi)整體的進行通風換氣的一種方式,局部通風是指通風的范圍控制在有害物質(zhì)形成比較集中的地方,或是工作人員經(jīng)?;顒拥木植康貐^(qū)的通風方式,例如通風柜、萬向排煙罩、原子吸收罩等。
2, ventilation: according to different power, the ventilation system can be divided into natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation, mechanical ventilation can be divided into general ventilation and local ventilation, ventilation refers to the room for a whole way of ventilation, local ventilation ventilation control refers to the scope of the formation of relatively concentrated in harmful substances, or ventilation local staff often activities, such as ventilation cabinet, universal exhaust hood, atomic absorption cover etc..
3、 實驗室通風:實驗室通風是研究控制實驗室有害物質(zhì)對室內(nèi)外空氣環(huán)境的影響和破壞的技術(shù)。
3, laboratory ventilation: laboratory ventilation is to study the control of harmful substances in the laboratory indoor and outdoor air environment impact and destruction of technology.
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